Read Sheet Music for Piano - Difference Between Bass Treble Clef
The piano is played with both hands, usually higher pitched keys with the right hand and lower sounding keys with the left. A treble clef represents those higher keys and notes while a bass clef represents the lower keys.
When you think about the term "bass" your mind probably automatically thinks of a bass singer with a very deep voice or perhaps a bass guitar. The term "bass" means low and deep, so it makes since that the bass clef tells you to play the lower sounding keys (normally with your left hand) on the keyboard for that particular line of notes.
Treble Clef Identification
Some music instructors will refer to the treble clef as the "G" clef. This is because the symbol for the treble clef looks similar to a very fancy cursive "G"! The symbol also encircles the staff line for the G note (the G line). This line is for the G key that is closest to the middle of the piano's keyboard.
As a beginner, you'll learn to identify the G line and read other notes on the keyboard from there. Think about "EGBDF" meaning "every good boy does fine" and "FACE" for easy remembrance!
Bass Clef Identification
When you learn to read music, you'll be instructed to use your left hand to play the bass clef notes. These are the keys that add a deep, low tone to your songs. This symbol curves around to the left and has two vertical dots to the right of it. The two dots are above and below the F line (for the F note). The bass clef is sometimes called the "F" clef. The F that it encloses is an octave group below the G clef that the treble clef encircles.
Being able to recognize the treble and bass clefs is a great starting point when trying to learn to read music. You can start with these basics and learn where certain notes are located on the keyboard - and on sheet music. Begin tapping the keys to notice how low or high the bass and treble clef notes can sound. You'll be well on your way to playing your first song before you know it!